1. LearnDash Groups Import:
- LearnDash Groups are automatically imported to GrassBlade LRS whenever you visit the GrassBlade LRS > Groups page
- Based on your suggestion we might be able to do it more frequently based on Cron Jobs or other events.
2. Configuration:
- You need to configure WordPress credentials in GrassBlade LRS > Configure > Integration > WordPress.
This will allow the LRS to pull the group related information. If it doesn't work, you need to make sure XML-RPC module for PHP is installed and enabled in your server.
2. Filter By Groups:
- You can filter reports by specific Groups.
3. Group Leader Access:
- You can create an LRS User/Manager, with the role "User", and an email id matching the email id of the Group Leader.
You should give him permission: View Group Data
Now this User will have access to only data from users of this Group. Test to confirm.