Integration with LearnDash Groups

1. LearnDash Groups Import: 

- LearnDash Groups are automatically imported to GrassBlade LRS whenever you visit the GrassBlade LRS > Groups page

- Based on your suggestion we might be able to do it more frequently based on Cron Jobs or other events. 


2. Configuration: 

- You need to configure WordPress credentials in GrassBlade LRS > Configure > Integration > WordPress.

This will allow the LRS to pull the group related information. If it doesn't work, you need to make sure XML-RPC module for PHP is installed and enabled in your server.  


2. Filter By Groups: 

- You can filter reports by specific Groups.


3. Group Leader Access:

- You can create an LRS User/Manager, with the role "User", and an email id matching the email id of the Group Leader. 

You should give him permission: View Group Data

Now this User will have access to only data from users of this Group. Test to confirm. 




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  • 0
    Aladdin Ben Khalifa

    Very good  support , just i want to understand more what's meaning matching the two email id , thank you

    Edited by Aladdin Ben Khalifa
  • 0
    Pankaj Agrawal

    It means you need to create a User/Manager account with same email id as that of Group Leader on WordPress. 

  • 0
    Shashi kumar

    Hi we are using the HR app we need to align the user with that app so it will add or delete the user automatically when it is deleted or added in the HR app

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